
Friday, April 5, 2013


      A friend of mine recently wrote a post on her blog about noticing and being thankful for the little things in life that we so often overlook. This post is kind of a copycat of hers, but the idea was so good I wanted to share it here, too:) As I read her list of things that she loves the gears in my head started churning. I began to think of so many things that I loved, and very soon my think tank began to overflow. So, I decided to type up a list of things that I’m thankful for…big or little. It was really enjoyable to look over it when it was done, not only because every time I read it I think of the things that I love, but also because I am reminded of just how much the Lord has blessed me with. I don’t deserve to find any joy in this life, and yet my heart delights in so many things!
      I hope this inspires you to think upon what gives you joy, and I pray that it will ultimately bring you to praise and thank your Maker. I also thought it would be a good thing for my first post, since it will give you a little insight into me:) So here is a long and totally random list of things in life that bring me joy!

The smell of spring
The sparkle of snow and ice
The smell of a scented candle burning
A hot cup of tea or cocoa in my hands
The unspoken yet plainly shown approval of the ones I love
A bond between an animal and a human
Baby animals
The song of a joyful bird
Love between two humans
The peace that comes after deep prayer
Warm weather
Completing things
A clean home
An un-communicated understanding
The smell of horses
The smell of freshly cut grass
Perfect weather
The dead calm before a storm
Warm, windy days
Pouring down rain
True pleasure in someone’s eyes
Beautiful colors
The growth of things
Laying my head down after a weary day
Exhaustion after exercise
Unconditional approval
Dipping my hands in hot water
Hot, hot showers
Getting new clothes
Having someone caringly search to understand me
Searching and finding truth
The painful wisdom of friends
Honest friends
Laying on the grass
Being truly accepted by people
Being close to the Lord
Feeling the Lord’s pleasure
Intricate jewelry and art
A baby
A child’s innocent love
Looking and feeling beautiful
Being clean
Time talking with ones I love
Summer tans
Deeply loving someone
Being a vessel for the Lord
Genuine encouragement
Making someone really happy
A beautiful pasture
The sensation of jumping a horse
Wind in my hair
Touching a bird
A special hand-written note
A family who loves
My family
Sore muscles
Being so broken God has to remake you
A truly feminine woman
A warm, dimly lit room
Drawing at night
Perfect silence
Being active
Confidence in Christ
Correct understanding
Looking into someone’s eyes
Beautiful handwriting
A soft touch
Being used by God to touch others
Being able to “read” someone
A special moment
Being sought out
Life in someone or something
God’s boundless grace and mercy
Cozy coffee shops
Being lost in imagination
People's personalities
Quietly obserbving
The Lord of the Rings
Going barefoot


  1. Hey Jess! What a neat blog and 1st post! I really enjoyed reading through the things you love...what blessed and joy-filled lives we have in Christ! Thanks for sharing, and I'm looking forward to reading your blog. :)

  2. Hey Brookie, thanks! This post was inspired off of one of yours:) I'm looking forward to blogging about my life, and I'm happy you want to follow along!

    ~In Christ with Joy~

  3. Jess!!!!! I was soooo excited to find you over at Stories in the Mind!!! This was an awesome first post!!! I loved it! That list.... It was wonderful.
    Hey, I just wanted to let you know that Stories in the Mind is just my writing blog. This is the link to my "real" blog: I like it a lot better. :D I think you will too! :D

  4. Hey Caitria!!!! I'm glad to see YOU here, too:) I'm really glad I've finally gotten around to my first post! I think I will like this world of blogging...
